Private Sector v/s Public Sector Jobs - A Brief Comparison It is a critical for an individual to decide on underatsking a creern in private sector or public sector. However, it is important to weigh the pros and cons on both sides.
Why are extra-curricular activities important and the skills you can gain through them? Extracurricular acitivities not only provide breathing space but also develop essntial skills that help us in our professional as well as personal lives.
Can an internship be successfully translated into a full time job offer? Internships play an importnat role in fetching beginner workforce jobs as they play a vital role in accustoming interns to a professional enviorment and enriching them with job centric skills.
What is ATS and how to make your resume ATS friendly? ATS is one tool used by almost every recuiter to scan resumes and shortlist suitable candidates. Surviving an ATS check and getting invited for a job interview requires a well-written and well-formatted resume that is mindful of ATS algorithms.
5 Carrer Options to Explore if you Hate Desk Jobs Desk Jobs are quite monotonus and often require long dedicated hours of work. Therefore non conevtional jobs are gaining popularity.
5 Resume Writing Mistakes and How to Avoid them Even after applying to innumerable jobs, it may seem that all your efforts have gone in vain and you haven’t received a call for any interview. You might think that you’re unqualified or just not good enough to work for big companies in this competitive world, but it